Department of Environmental Sciences
Department of Environmental Sciences
Department of Environmental Sciences
Department of Environmental Sciences
Department of Environmental Sciences
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Department of Environmental Sciences

The Department was established in 2019, based in Larissa, under the title of Department of Environmental Sciences and is part of the School of Technology of the University of Thessaly.

The Main Goals

....are education and research in a wide range of subjects including, inter alia, biological, chemical, biochemical processes, ecology, waste management, ecosystems – waste management, economic, sociological approaches, the science of the Environment and the skills of the Engineer

Green Economy

The specialties of the green economy now ensure secure occupational rehabilitation. Recently, by 2020, it is estimated that 100,000 new full-time jobs will be created in areas related to green development and environmental protection.


Welcome from the Department Chairman


Dear students, I welcome you to the website of the Department of Environmental Sciences of the University of Thessaly where in the various units you can find useful information regarding the department, its academic personnel the Research and Educational Laboratories and of course its study program (Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral studies). Our Department has already completed a four-year study cycle (2019-2023) and awarded degrees to its first graduates. Today, based on the experience gained, we have moved forward and are immediately implementing our new Reformed Curriculum, with modern Greek and European standards. Its very interesting courses on crucial environmental issues of our era, such as, the management and protection of the natural environment according to the principles of Sustainable development, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, the maintenance of Biodiversity, as well as other key cutting edge issues, namely, Solid and Liquid Waste Treatment and Management Technologies, Air Pollution and Anti-Pollution Technologies, Environmental Economics and many others constitute the modern and attractive curriculum. We as an educational community, are eager to offer you the modern knowledge in the field of Environmental sciences. You, our dear students, gain the valuable knowledge to successfully cope with tomorrow's highly competitive work environment. Environmental issues nowadays are very topical and therefore the prospects of a successful career are written off as very auspicious!!!! We are all at your disposal and wish you a good, constructive and blessed academic year.

Academic Personnel

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Faculty Members





