Student Accommodation

Larissa Halls of Residence

The University of Thessaly has building infrastructure for housing students, within the Gaiopolis campus in Larissa. The Larissa Halls of Residence comprise 8 independent buildings, with a capacity of 502 beds. Eligibility criteria for university accommodation are students’ financial and family status. Health issues, as well as other parameters that affect the family’s financial situation, are also taken into consideration.
Applications for accommodation are submitted by students electronically, through the University of Thessaly application: ,using their institutional account codes on dates set by the Student Welfare Office.

For more information, students may contact the Independent Catering & Accommodation Department in Larissa: Halls of Residence, Gaiopolis Campus Larissa, tel: +30-2410 684431, +30-2410 684572, +30-2410 684407 and visit the University of Thessaly website.

Student Housing Allowance

Undergraduate students, Greek citizens or citizens of other European Union countries, are also entitled to housing allowance. Applications for housing allowance are submitted electronically through the website of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs & Sports using the application

Additional information is available on the University of Thessaly website.