Programme structure
Since the academic year 2023-24, the Department of Environmental Sciences has delivered the revised Undergraduate Study Programme (BSc in Environmental Sciences), which was approved by the Department Assembly (Meeting 66th/19- 05-2023) and the University of Thessaly Senate (Meeting 295th/29-8-2023), and covers a wide range of environmental fields such as Environmental Management and Restoration, Waste Management, Environmental Planning, Environmental Education, Social and Economic Environmental Analysis, etc.
The duration of studies is 4 academic years, i.e. 8 semesters. Students need to obtain 240 ECTS, i.e. 30 ECTS per academic semester, to successfully complete the degree. The programme comprises 45 compulsory courses (222 ECTS) along with the degree Dissertation, and 5 elective courses (18 ECTS) or, alternatively, 3 elective courses (12 ECTS) combined with an internship (6 ECTS).
The programme has been structured in such a way that during the first 4 semesters students acquire basic knowledge in structural sciences such as Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics and Informatics, in order to understand processes in the environment. Courses in Environmental Microbiology, Environmental Geology, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Economics and Meteorology provide students with an understanding of the functioning of the natural environment. In the following 4 semesters, students will be taught courses that focus on issues of Pollution, and Environmental Management and Restoration, such as Waste Management, Environmental Design, Circular Economy, Sustainable Development and Environmental Education. During the last two semesters of study, students are additionally given the opportunity to select 3-5 courses from a range of elective courses, mainly of a special background and skills development, in order to reach the minimum ECTS requirements from elective courses and the Internship, i.e. 18 ECTS in total. During the 8th semester of study, students are required to carry out a Dissertation, corresponding to 10 ECTS, in a subject matter of their choice.
Learning Outcomes and Qualifications
The learning outcomes and qualifications of the Undergraduate Study Programme in Environmental Sciences, according to the European and Hellenic Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, are aligned with the subjects treated by the Department, combined with a series of courses that create a strong foundation for the mathematical, physical, chemical, biological and economic understanding of the phenomena that graduates are likely to encounter in their professional careers.
The first cycle of studies (first 4 semesters) includes background courses in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, Computer Science, Fluid Mechanics, as well as scientific courses on environmental issues, so that students can acquire advanced knowledge in each of these fields, as they are called upon to face complex and unpredictable problems, which have specific features and require advanced knowledge, as well as a critical approach for their solution.
The second cycle of courses, mainly of Special Background and Skills Development, includes Compulsory (C), Elective (E) courses and the preparation of a Dissertation. It supports the subjects treated by the Department by providing students with specialized knowledge. The Elective courses contribute to the consolidation of cutting-edge knowledge and provide students with specialized skills in evaluating and solving complex and unpredictable environmental problems they will have to address as professionals in the field. Additionally, students attend laboratory sessions where they are introduced to research methods used in environmental analysis, and acquire practical skills through courses in statistics and geographic information systems. Finally, students can combine an Internship (6 ECTS) with three Elective courses (12 ECTS), totalling 18 out of 240 ECTS required for the degree.
The Undergraduate Study Programme of the Department of Environmental Sciences provides graduates with all the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities at Level 6 of the Hellenic Qualifications Framework (referencing the European Qualifications Framework – EQF).
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